December 29, 2012

Happy 2nd Birthday!!

I am two years old now. Wow...that's a great achievement. Since we moved recently to Houston, we did not have a big party and also my friends weren't in town because of christmas holidays. So I called 2 of my friends and dad's friend (who is a friend-uncle to me) for cake cutting and small get-together. It was fun for me as amma and nana ordered my favorite Thomas engine cake. It was yummy!! I have to thank my friends Siddu and Aria for coming.

December 26, 2012


Though this is my 2nd Christmas, this is the 1st Christmas I actually celebrated. I asked Santa for couple of things this year. My list was short and sweet....its crayons, paper and stickers. Amma says that I need to record this, because she wants to compare this list with the list when I will be 13 years old!!! Santa gave me all that I asked for this year...yay!! Below is my picture taken at school and the other one as a family. You know what don't tell anyone...shhhh...I am actually scared of Santa...he looks weird to me,but I think I will overcome this by next year.

December 8, 2012


I am not yet two years old...but I am reading. Ha ha ha ha...don't get tricked. I am reading in my own language which only I can understand :-)